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- Download Kafka On Mac Download
- Download And Install Kafka On Mac
- Install Kafka
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- Kafka On Windows
- Download Kafka Tool
To install Apache Kafka on Mac, Java is the only prerequisite. First we shall look into the installation steps of Java and then we shall setup Apache Kafka and run it on the Mac.
Install Java
- Open a browser and hit the url [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html].
- Click on JDK, check “Accept License Agreement” and download .dmg file for installation on Mac.
- Double click on the downloaded file and proceed with the installation steps.
- You have successfully installed Java. You may delete the .dmg file, as memory is costly on Mac.
You may verify the installation of Java on Mac, by running the following command on a Terminal.
java -version |
Install Apache Kafka on Mac
- Download the latest Apache Kafka from [https://kafka.apache.org/downloads] under Binary downloads.
- Click on any of the binary downloads, or choose a specific scala version if you have any dependency with scala in your development.
- Go with the recommended mirror site.
- Extract the contents. Navigate to root of Apache Kafka folder and open a Terminal. Or Open a Terminal and navigate to the root directory of Apache Kafka. apples-MacBook-Pro:kafka_2.12-1.0.0Prasanth$ ls
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Start Zookeeper
Apache Kafka depends on Zookeeper for cluster management. Hence, prior to starting Kafka, Zookeeper has to be started. There is no need to explicitly install Zookeeper, as it comes included with Apache Kafka.
From the root of Apache Kafka, run the following command to start Zookeeper :
~$sh bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties |
Download Kafka On Mac Download
The zookeeper should be started with a similar following trace in the output.
apples-MacBook-Pro:kafka_2.12-1.0.0Prasanth$ sh bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties [2017-12-3115:18:36,556] INFO Reading configuration from:config/zookeeper.properties (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerConfig) [2017-12-3115:18:36,560] INFO autopurge.snapRetainCount set to3 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.DatadirCleanupManager) [2017-12-3115:18:36,560] INFO autopurge.purgeInterval set to0 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.DatadirCleanupManager) [2017-12-3115:18:36,560] INFO Purge task isnotscheduled. (org.apache.zookeeper.server.DatadirCleanupManager) [2017-12-3115:18:36,560] WARN Either no config orno quorum defined inconfig, running instandalone mode (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain) [2017-12-3115:18:36,582] INFO Reading configuration from:config/zookeeper.properties (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerConfig) [2017-12-3115:18:36,582] INFO Starting server (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServerMain) [2017-12-3115:18:36,650] INFO Server environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.10-39d3a4f269333c922ed3db283be479f9deacaa0f, built on03/23/201710:13GMT (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer) [2017-12-3115:18:36,650] INFO Server environment:host.name= (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer) |
Start Apache Kafka Server
Open another Terminal and run the following command from the root of Apache Kafka to start Apache Kafka.
~$sh bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties |
Following should be the end of trace stating that Kafka server is started.
[2017-12-3115:52:20,291] INFO Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:2181sessionTimeout=6000watcher=org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient@4690b489 (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper) [2017-12-3115:52:20,307] INFO Waiting forkeeper state SyncConnected (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient) [2017-12-3115:52:20,310] INFO Opening socket connection toserver localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:2181.Will notattempt toauthenticate using SASL (unknown error) (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn) [2017-12-3115:52:20,333] INFO Socket connection established tolocalhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:2181, initiating session (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn) [2017-12-3115:52:20,423] INFO Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:2181, sessionid=0x160abf917fa0000, negotiated timeout=6000 (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn) [2017-12-3115:52:20,425] INFO zookeeper state changed (SyncConnected) (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient) [2017-12-3115:52:20,798] INFO Cluster ID=diRCJM2mQ4qI9KzjiiLRVA (kafka.server.KafkaServer) [2017-12-3115:52:20,820] WARN No meta.properties file under dir/tmp/kafka-logs/meta.properties (kafka.server.BrokerMetadataCheckpoint) [2017-12-3115:52:20,866] INFO [ThrottledRequestReaper-Fetch]:Starting (kafka.server.ClientQuotaManager$ThrottledRequestReaper) [2017-12-3115:52:20,869] INFO [ThrottledRequestReaper-Produce]:Starting (kafka.server.ClientQuotaManager$ThrottledRequestReaper) [2017-12-3115:52:20,870] INFO [ThrottledRequestReaper-Request]:Starting (kafka.server.ClientQuotaManager$ThrottledRequestReaper) [2017-12-3115:52:20,923] INFO Log directory'/tmp/kafka-logs'notfound, creating it. (kafka.log.LogManager) [2017-12-3115:52:20,943] INFO Loading logs. (kafka.log.LogManager) [2017-12-3115:52:20,973] INFO Logs loading complete in29ms. (kafka.log.LogManager) [2017-12-3115:52:21,155] INFO Starting log cleanup withaperiod of300000ms. (kafka.log.LogManager) [2017-12-3115:52:21,159] INFO Starting log flusher withadefaultperiod of9223372036854775807ms. (kafka.log.LogManager) [2017-12-3115:52:21,535] INFO Awaiting socket connections on0.0.0.0:9092. (kafka.network.Acceptor) [2017-12-3115:52:21,538] INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Started1acceptor threads (kafka.network.SocketServer) [2017-12-3115:52:21,571] INFO [ExpirationReaper-0-Produce]:Starting (kafka.server.DelayedOperationPurgatory$ExpiredOperationReaper) [2017-12-3115:52:21,573] INFO [ExpirationReaper-0-Fetch]:Starting (kafka.server.DelayedOperationPurgatory$ExpiredOperationReaper) [2017-12-3115:52:21,575] INFO [ExpirationReaper-0-DeleteRecords]:Starting (kafka.server.DelayedOperationPurgatory$ExpiredOperationReaper) [2017-12-3115:52:21,588] INFO [LogDirFailureHandler]:Starting (kafka.server.ReplicaManager$LogDirFailureHandler) [2017-12-3115:52:21,653] INFO [ExpirationReaper-0-topic]:Starting (kafka.server.DelayedOperationPurgatory$ExpiredOperationReaper) [2017-12-3115:52:21,658] INFO [ExpirationReaper-0-Heartbeat]:Starting (kafka.server.DelayedOperationPurgatory$ExpiredOperationReaper) [2017-12-3115:52:21,658] INFO Creating/controller (isit secure? false) (kafka.utils.ZKCheckedEphemeral) [2017-12-3115:52:21,659] INFO [ExpirationReaper-0-Rebalance]:Starting (kafka.server.DelayedOperationPurgatory$ExpiredOperationReaper) [2017-12-3115:52:21,666] INFO Result of znode creation is:OK (kafka.utils.ZKCheckedEphemeral) [2017-12-3115:52:21,683] INFO [GroupCoordinator0]:Starting up. (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupCoordinator) [2017-12-3115:52:21,684] INFO [GroupCoordinator0]:Startup complete. (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupCoordinator) [2017-12-3115:52:21,688] INFO [GroupMetadataManager brokerId=0] Removed0expired offsets in4milliseconds. (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupMetadataManager) [2017-12-3115:52:21,727] INFO [ProducerId Manager0]:Acquired newproducerId block (brokerId:0,blockStartProducerId:0,blockEndProducerId:999) by writing toZk with path version1 (kafka.coordinator.transaction.ProducerIdManager) [2017-12-3115:52:21,782] INFO [TransactionCoordinator id=0] Starting up. (kafka.coordinator.transaction.TransactionCoordinator) [2017-12-3115:52:21,784] INFO [Transaction Marker Channel Manager0]:Starting (kafka.coordinator.transaction.TransactionMarkerChannelManager) [2017-12-3115:52:21,797] INFO [TransactionCoordinator id=0] Startup complete. (kafka.coordinator.transaction.TransactionCoordinator) [2017-12-3115:52:21,889] INFO Creating/brokers/ids/0 (isit secure? false) (kafka.utils.ZKCheckedEphemeral) [2017-12-3115:52:21,895] INFO Result of znode creation is:OK (kafka.utils.ZKCheckedEphemeral) [2017-12-3115:52:21,897] INFO Registered broker0at path/brokers/ids/0with addresses:EndPoint(,9092,ListenerName(PLAINTEXT),PLAINTEXT) (kafka.utils.ZkUtils) [2017-12-3115:52:21,900] WARN No meta.properties file under dir/tmp/kafka-logs/meta.properties (kafka.server.BrokerMetadataCheckpoint) [2017-12-3115:52:21,920] INFO Kafka version:1.0.0 (org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser) [2017-12-3115:52:21,920] INFO Kafka commitId:aaa7af6d4a11b29d (org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser) [2017-12-3115:52:21,922] INFO [KafkaServer id=0] started (kafka.server.KafkaServer) |
Conclusion :
In this Apache Kafka Tutorial, we have successfully learnt to install Apache Kafka on Mac and start Kafka along with Zookeeper.
Prerequisite: java with version 8 should be installed on the system.
To download the latest version of Apache Kafka(or as per the need), the following steps will be used:
Step1: Open the official website of the Apache Foundation or use the link: https://kafka.apache.org/downloads. Select and download the Kafka binaries from Binary downloads. Either choose Scala 2.11 or Scala 2.12.
Step2: After clicking on the selected binary, a new page will open. Click on the first link, which will be the mirror size for the Kafka download. The download will begin.
Step3: A Kafka 'tar' file will be downloaded. Move to the downloaded Kafka directory. Untar or uncompress the directory by using the command: 'tar -xvf
Step4: Use the 'ls' command to view the untar file. Now, move into the
Step5: If the required java version is not installed or java is not yet installed, then use the brew command as: 'brew tap caskroom/versions', then use 'brew cask install java8' and java8 will start installing. It will ask: 'brew cask install java8', press enter.
Step6: java8 will be installed on the system. Use 'java-version' to check again.
Setting the Path
To run Kafka from anywhere, use the following steps to set the path:
Step1: Move into the bin folder of
Step2: The '.bash_profile' file will open. Go to the end and set the path as:
Note: To know the forepath directory, use 'pwd' command. It will display its name.
Step3: After setting the path, apply 'kafka-' or 'kafka-topics.sh' command to know whether the path is successfully set.
Download And Install Kafka On Mac
Using Brew
If the mac users have Brew installed, they can use it for Kafka installation.
There are following steps used to install Apache Kafka using brew:
Step1: Use 'brew install kafka' and press enter key to install Kafka. Wait a while, and Kafka will be installed on the system. To test, use any kafka command.
Step2: If the 'kafka-' command is used, it will show files with and without '.sh' extension files. It is because the bin path is set in the '.bash_profile' file. So, edit the file again and remove that line from the end. Save, and exit.
Step3: Again use the command 'kafka-', now the files without '.sh' will appear.
Step4; But, to use kafka commands, the user needs to visit the kafka_directory always.
So, this is another way to install Apache Kafka on the system.Starting Zookeeper
As Apache Kafka cannot work without zookeeper, it is mandatory to run zookeeper server on the system. Follow the below steps for installing the zookeeper server:
Step1: Type the command 'zookeeper-server-start config/zookeeper.properties' and press enter. If the port value=2181 is achieved without any error, it means the zookeeper is successfully started. Otherwise, if some other application is bound to 2181, 'address in use' error will be thrown.
Step2: The zookeeper window should not be closed to work with Kafka. Open another window, and create a new directory 'data' under the kafka_directory. Use the command 'mkdir data' to do so.
Step3: Within the data directory, make two new directories: 'zookeeper' and 'kafka'.
Step4: Open the 'config' directory placed within the kafka_directory using the command 'nano config/zookeeper.properties'.
Step5: Edit the value of 'datadir' by placing the address of the newly created zookeeper directory. Save the file and exit.
Step6: Type 'ls data/zookeeper' on the window. A new directory 'version-2' will appear in the list. It means the zookeeper is started successfully.
Step7: Now, open 'server.properties' file to begin the Kafka server. Use the command: 'nano config/server.properties' to open the file.
Install Kafka
Step8: Edit the value of log.dirs by placing the address of the newly created kafka folder from the forepath. Save the file and exit.
Step9: Finally, start the Kafka server with the help of the following command:
Kafka Download For Windows 10
'kafka-server-start config/server.properties' and press enter. If the output displays 'kafka server started',
Kafka On Windows
Step10: Do 'ls data/kafka', and the newly created files will be visible, which indicates the Kafka server is successfully installed on the system.